Ellington Park Christmas Fayre

Sunday, 10th December 2023

Main Booking Form

* Email:
Load Previous Details
* Name:
* Business/Charity Name:
Telephone No:
Mobile No:
How Many Pitches?
(pitch is 12 x 12)
Stall Details
Special Needs:

Stall Holder Agreement

The Organiser:
Friends Of Ellington Park Cafe Ltd
* Stall Holder:
Ellington Park, Ramsgate, Kent, CT11 9TL
1 The Stall Holder must state what he/she is selling on the Booking Form before being accepted to the event.
2 The Stall Holder must hold Public Liability Insurance to a minimum of £5 million.
3 The Stall Holder must not sell items that are either illegal or that the Organiser deems inappropriate for a family event. This includes, but is not limited to: guns of any kind (including toy guns, military antiques, imitation guns, firearm paraphernalia), knives of any description, livestock, electrical goods, weapons, fireworks, items of an adult nature, solvents, or any items that the Organiser deems may cause offence. The Organiser reserves the right to dismiss any Stall Holder found selling any of these items at the event. Alcohol may be included as Raffle or Tombola prizes but must be handed to a responsible adult, never to anyone under 18 years of age.
4 Setting up stalls and taking them down can be dangerous to both the public and other Stall Holders and it is essential that care is taken at all times.
5 Stalls must be ready for trading before the event starts.
6 Only one vehicle may remain with the pitch, all other vehicles must be removed from the Site.
7 No vehicle movement is allowed on the Site once the event has started except in an emergency in which case permission will be needed from the Event Safety Officer who will be contactable in the cafe. A vehicle will be allowed to move only with permission from the Safety Officer and escorted by two stewards
8 No Stall Holder is permitted to break down their stall before the end of the event at 5pm. Should the Stall Holder need to leave earlier, permission must be sought from the Safety Officer as in 7 above.
9 The Stall Holder is responsible for removing his/her own rubbish from the Site at the end of the event. Rubbish must be taken off-site at the end of the event and not be put in the Council bins on Site.
10 Any reports of anti-social or inappropriate behaviour by any Stall Holder or a member of his/her staff will mean instant dismissal from the Site
11 A pitch will be allocated to the Stall Holder in advance of the event and must be adhered to. The Organiser will make every effort to accommodate special requests and requirements but reserve the right to dismiss any Stall Holder who decides to move his/her pitch to another location once allocated. Please indicate special requirements on the Booking Form.
12 The Organiser may amend this agreement without notice in exceptional circumstances.
13 Stall Holders who do not abide by this Agreement will not be invited to have stalls at any future Friends of Ellington Park events.
14 In the absence of negligence or any other breach of duty on the part of the Organiser, the Organiser shall not be liable for any loss, damage or personal injury howsoever caused.
  * I Agree To These Terms And Conditions.

Risk Assessment

What are the hazards? Who might be harmed and how? What are you already doing? Do you need to do anything else to control this risk? Action by who? Action by when?
Please note, you can drag down bottom right of cells to expand.

File Uploads

Insurance Certificate
Hygiene Certificate
Food Rating
Gas Certificate
Generator Certification

Please all make a payment using BACS with following details:

Name: Friends of Ellington Park Cafe Ltd
Sort Code: 30 98 97
Acc No. 399 548 63
Pitch Cost: £30+VAT = £36