Whats On
FREE Cooking on a Budget
STARTING AT 11:00 in the Ellington Park Community Café, Sharon and her team from *We Don’t Eat Elephants will demonstrate tasty, healthier, affordable dishes and there will be a FREE bag of ingredients for you to take home after each class so you can try the recipes yourself.
24 July | Make your own stir fries including as many different colours as possible |
31 July | Make yoghurt: Labneh and its uses: tzatziki, cheese cake mix, herb soft cheese |
7 August | Dips and soups (cold and hot) - chick pea hummus, bean hummus, salsas, butterbean soup, Fareshare soups |
14 August | Vegetable patties/latkes, using a variety of vegetables |
21 August | Sugar in children’s yogurt. Take control and make your own |
28 August | Identify nuts and seeds. Make a variety of coleslaws |
Pre-book your place by either texting 07577852797 or giving your name and telephone number to a member of the café staff
We have regular groups, and you are most welcome to come along to any that pique your interest.
Tuesday | 11:00 - 13:00 |
Crafts - knitting, crochet, and anything crafty you'd like to do. |
13:00 - 15:00 | Age UK meet to socialise. Get more information by calling 01843 223881. | |
Wednesday | 11:00 - 13:00 |
Gardening group. Get your tips and tricks here! |
Thursday | 11:00 - 13:00 |
Coffee Morning, everyone welcome, to chat and make new friends. |
Dates for your Diary
December 8th is the date of our Christmas Fayre, 10am until 4pm. See Poster Below!
Our now famous May Fayre will be on May 18th 2025.
You are welcome to let us know if you are interested in having a stall at either of these events by emailing foep.cafe.events@gmail.com We will confirm your booking and ask for payment nearer the time.