Free Kids Meals

As some of you will know, the Ellington Park Community Café opened in Ellington Park on August 5th 2021: built thanks to a grant from the National Lottery, with 10% match funding from Thanet District Council.
The most important word in our name is “Community”, and as a not-for profit business, all profits are used to benefit our community. The directors, Bev Perkins and Sharon Brady, work alongside six paid, part-time staff so have created employment for local people, as well as six wonderful volunteers, and we welcome work experience students from local schools.
Three exceptional volunteers, Dianne Reilly, Anne Ratcliff and Lynne Love, operated a free Warm Space and Breakfast in the café throughout the winter months, thanks to a contribution from Ramsgate Town Council.
As family budgets are so tight this year, we are giving 600 Gifted picnic lunches to children during the summer holidays whilst free school lunches aren’t available. Now, we’d like offer children’s free, hearty and healthy lunches during the winter holidays, hot food in a warm, welcoming environment.
If you would like to help us, you can donate through GoFundMe at - the more we raise, the more lunches we’ll be able to Gift!